Category: Chocolate History

History of Chocolate in India

Origin of Cocoa Cocoa, botanically known as being a tropical crop is native to Amazon basin and spread to other countries within 15 degrees on either side of the equator including Mexico, Central America, Caribbean Islands, South America, West Africa and South East Asia where the conditions for growing were ideal. West Africa dominates the world production today followed by South East Asia. How Cocoa Landed in India Cadbury initiated cocoa cultivation as a viable cash crop in India through a demonstration farm at Chundale in Wyanad district of Kerala in 1965. Planting of cocoa in India on a commercial ... Read more

History of Chocolate

Loved since prehistoric times The origin of chocolate The origins of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Maya and Aztec civilisations in Central America, who first enjoyed ‘chocolatl’; a much-prized spicy drink made from roasted cocoa beans. Throughout its history, whether as cocoa or drinking chocolate beverage or confectionery treat, chocolate has been a much sought after food. Because cocoa beans were valuable, they were given as gifts on occasions such as a child coming of age and at religious ceremonies. Merchants often traded cocoa beans for other commodities such as cloth, jade and ceremonial feathers. The 40-60 ... Read more