Category: Food Facts

Nutelite Pizza Almonds (Roasted)

After a long time serving the famous pizza oregano seasoning almond in the Marriages and party gifts now launched in June 2020. We hope that our customers will buy Nutelite pizza almonds as they have shown their love to our other Nuteltie range which include Dehydrated fruits and candy, online and offline through stores and help us succeed, making more unique flavors.

Advantages of Stonegrounded nut butter over Collidal mill nut butter

In recent ages everything was grounded in stone grinders as it was a slow process and the products has nutritional values. But in industrialization era everyone wants fast processing no matter how good it is or how nutritious it is. So to help you understand Wet stone grinder and Collidal mill below are its Advantages: The major disadvantages of a colloid mill are that it is not suitable for continuous use, running it consumes a lot of energy, and there is a possibility of product contamination. Temperature inside rotors can go above 120 C whereas in stone grinding it is ... Read more

Why Nutelite Nut butter is different from other nut butters

Nutelite nut butters are made in stone grinder which ensures that temperature inside doesn’t go up and is approx 50 ° C which is considered cold processing whereas in other commercial nut butters i.e peanut butter most commonly is made on commercial machines usually colloidal mill and temperature inside can go upto 120 -150 ° C. In contrast, commercial peanut butters are mostly processed using blades that chop up the peanuts, generating a fair amount of heat in the process. This heat not only alters the taste of the peanuts, it also degrades key vitamins and healthy oils, resulting in ... Read more

Eating dark chocolate every day could help boost athletic performance

Chocolates have been the favourites of everyone and even the researchers, read out earlier article of researches under Health benefits of Chocolates. In a recent study undertaken at London’s Kingston University has found the tasty treat could help give sports enthusiasts an extra edge in their fitness training. undertaken at London’s Kingston University has found the tasty treat could help give sports enthusiasts an extra edge in their fitness training. undertaken at London’s Kingston University has found the tasty treat could help give sports enthusiasts an extra edge in their fitness training. After undergoing initial fitness tests to establish a baseline ... Read more

Are chocolates good for pets?

Chocolate and dogs are a bad combination. Sure, they’re each great on their own, but together, the combination can be lethal. The same can be said of chocolate and cats, or chocolate and any pet. The theobromine in chocolate, one of the substances that makes it so pleasant for us, is toxic to many animals, including dogs and cats. They are unable to digest this chemical, and, as it circulates in the bloodstream, it damages the central nervous and circulatory systems. ALL CHOCOLATE CONTAINS THEOBROMINE, THEREFORE ALL CHOCOLATE IS BAD FOR PETS. CHOCOLATE AND DOGS, CATS, OR OTHER PETS = ... Read more

Pairing Wine with Dark Chocolates

Chocolate & Cheese are usually paired with Wine. So how to pair up wine that with a balances both tastes. If you have light wine start with milk chocolates as light wines like champaign compliments with milk chocolates. Coming towards dark chocolate : it comes in different range starting from 35% to 99% dark and different chocolatier have made their own different unique recipes with inclusion of salts and herbs and silky smooth ganaches. So lighter the percentage of chocolate lighter the wine. Stronger the intensity of chocolate stronger the wine balance the taste. Suggestions from the specialist: White: Muscat, ... Read more

Some Truths About Compound Chocolate

In India and other countries nowadays compound chocolate is getting popular because of its “no tempering needed” and “low cost”. Its common names are baker’s chocolate, confectioner’s chocolate, coating chocolate. Ofcourse if we are changing the structure of chocolate from its pure form to compound form there are plus points and minus points of that, explained below: Plus Points of Compound Chocolate:Due to addition of vegetable oil instead of cocoa butter it gives low viscosity and is easy to be moulded or used as a covering for cakes or confectionery. Compound chocolate does not require tempering that means a novice ... Read more

5 tips to enjoy Cocoa in a healthyway

Do you know someone who doesn’t like chocolate? The chocolate, beyond being a delicious food can benefit our health, but must be consumed properly. Here are five tips to get more out of this amazing treat. 1. Chocolate when eaten properly brings health benefits, don’t stop consuming, but not abuse. 2. The dark chocolate is healthier than other types of chocolate. 3. The indicated amount of chocolate to be consumed daily is 30 grams, the equivalent to a small chocolate bar. 4. Combine chocolate with fruits: strawberry skewers topped with chocolate, for example, is an excellent alternative. The vegetable fiber ... Read more

Cocoa Butter Vs. Veg. Oil

Both real chocolate and compound chocolate are chocolate – the difference is the type of lipid (fat) or oil used in the production of the product. A chocolate that is made from “Cocoa Butter” the main ingredient to make chocolate delicious and creamy in texture is the pure form of chocolate. If the chocolate is made from “Vegetable oil” it is a compound chocolate. Pure chocolate is subdivided into three categories based on the quality of the product (quality of the cocoa beans) and most importantly, the cocoa butter content: regular chocolate, couverture chocolate, and ultra couverture chocolate. Pure Chocolate ... Read more

Health Benefits of Chocolate

Many of us usually thinks that chocolate is Bad, its sweet and might destroy your teeth. I’ll help you know the truth about Chocolate. Chocolate is 100% Veg. as it comes from a bean of a plant named Cacao. Now as it comes from a plant, benefits are from flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage that leads to heart disease. Dark chocolate contains a large number of antioxidants (nearly 8 times the number found in strawberries). Flavonoids also help relax blood pressure through the production of nitric ... Read more