Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why Nutelite Nut butter is different from other nut butters

Nutelite nut butters are made in stone grinder which ensures that temperature inside doesn’t go up and is approx 50 ° C which is considered cold processing whereas in other commercial nut butters i.e peanut butter most commonly is made on commercial machines usually colloidal mill and temperature inside can go upto 120 -150 ° […]

Benefits of Peanut butter

Some people are allergic to peanuts and that’s why they miss these amazing health benefits of peanut butter. 1.  Suppresses Hunger For Weight Loss Eating peanuts and peanut butter helps control hunger without leading to weight gain. Peanut butter is both nutritious and delicious. It pairs well with everything from fruits to chocolate and jelly to celery. […]

Chocolates in Weddings as Invitation sweets

As you all know what we are having in dairy sweets. In milk its Oxytocin injection which will also be present in Khoya, malai and other dairy products and we all know about its consequences as shown in News channels. And more over it contains a lot of FAT and as urbanization is taking place […]

Low calorie & Sugar free chocolates

After a lot of research on diabetic sugars and low calorie sugar we found some of the few alternatives listed below: Chocolate has come a long way, baby. For years after it was invented, this confection was sweetened with calorie-laden white sugar. Eating chocolate and its white sugar was blamed for not only causing weight […]

Edible Wedding Cards

Yes its true! We have catered our services to many event managers to create different customized products and invitation cards for marriages. Our Heart shaped chocolate box is most loved for ring ceremonies. We have also made edible invitation card for our client who himself is an event manager. Sorry we can’t share the image […]